Sunday, December 21, 2014

Busy Times...

Okay, so lots has happened this week!  First off, I made two Thunder wreaths for a lady who my friend Denisha referred to me.  She is a realtor and when i delivered them to her she mentioned to me that my wreaths would make wonderful closing gifts for her clients!  That would be awesome!  Then not 5 minutes later one of her friends called me asking if i could make a Thunder wreath for her also.  So I told her of course!  Then she said she owns a salon and she is sure that she will be able to get me more business!  Soooo....yikes!  It would be awesome, but I just dont know for sure how much time i will have!  Hopefully i will be able to do whatever i need to though!

Later that day, i had to take Kyndal to the dr because she had been running a fever for 2 days in a row and then she threw up also, so i decided it was time to take her to get checked and he said she had the FLU!!!!  BOOOO!!  So that pretty much put all my plans on hold and we came home and mom took Jace for me (because she is super nice like that!!) and i layed with Kyndal Faith and let her sleep as long as she would.  She kept jerking awake over and over...i can only assume it was because her poor little baby body was SOOO hot!! :(  The dr gave her Tami-flu and he treated me, Jace and Josh with it too!  Thank the Lord he gave it to all of us!  We dont need anyone else sick with that!  So she actually recovered fairly quickly!  The next day was Friday and that was the boys' Christmas class parties!  So i had to go to that!!  Mom came thru in the clutch (as always) and got everything ready for me to take for Tristons class, so I didnt have to do much besides nurse my baby girl back to health!!

So i took Jace to the class parties and his little buddy Fielder was there!  He was so happy to see him! LOL!  In Tristons class we decorated the sugar cookies mom and I had made and then they all ate them after they put all their stuff on em.  Jace decorated one too and i wasnt paying good enough attention to him, but he got icing and sprinkles all in his hair and on his shirt and pants and EVERYWHERE!! Lol!  It was kinda funny....and kinda annoying!  So i cleaned him up and then we went down to Carters party!  They were doing pretty much the same thing and decorating cookies when we got there!  Jace played around with Fielder and some of Mrs. Chapmans toys in her classroom!  He seemed to have fun and i know they boys did too!  Yay for the last day of school for the year of 2014!! :) 

Today was Church, which was wonderful as always!!!  Then we went to Pelicans with mom and dad.  They took Jace to let him take a nap and then brought him back around 3:00 because Joshs mom was coming to bring presents for everyone!  After she left, we went to eat at Judges and now we are home and the kids are in bed!  The boys have a basketball clinic tomorrow up at CHA!  Theyre excited about that!  That is about all we have planned for until Christmas!!  I will write after the big day and tell how much fun we all had! :) :)  
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