Sunday, December 14, 2014

Last Week of School...

So this week coming up is the last week of school before Christmas break!!  Woohoo!!  I remember how much i used to look forward to this week when i was in school!  I loved getting 2 weeks out of school!!  It was great!! :)  But this week is also going to be a very busy one for me!  I have to get some Christmas presents tomorrow at the mall for the boys and another family.  Then Tuesday is the boys' Christmas program, and during the day that day, I am going to be baking for the teacher luncheon on Wednesday!  Then Thursday, I am going to be making treats and things for Triston and Carters class parties on Friday.  They will get out of school at 11:30 on Friday, so I want to think of something fun to do with them!

Anyhow, this weekend has been great!  Friday night, Josh and I got to go to dinner for a little date night.  Mom and dad kept Jace and Kyndal and the boys were with Brooke, so we got to go eat at Fontana all alone! :)  It was delicious and fun!  It felt weird not worrying about another mouth to feed, lol!  #kindanice

Saturday the boys had their game at 10:00!  They played good and had fun. #theyarestilllearning  We went and ate at Judges after that!  Mom took Jace to nap him and I took Kyndal to nap her.  She slept for like 2 hours!  Good girl! :)  Then Bill and Jill Lemieux had their "Ugly Sweater Christmas party" on Saturday.  Bill and Debbie Wallace went all out!  Their sweaters were hilarious!  Bill Lemieux of course had a Green Bay Packers sweater! :)  #shocker  Bob and Terri Wallace had cute sweaters too!  It was quite funny to see what they all wore! :)  I wish i would have gotten better pictures, but it is so hard to think about pictures while i am chasing Jace and Kyndal all around and hoping they dont break anything, LOL!  We did get a cute family pic, minus Triston and Carter tho :(  But we were all in red, so I had to snap a pic of that!!  DUH! :)

As for Sunday, we went to the Northwest Campus with Brooke and Chris,  but it turned out Chris was not feeling up to going.  He had surgery on his ankle on Tuesday and they put several rods and pins and screws in it, so he gets a pass this time! :)  Poor guy! #yowch  We ate at Fazolis afterwards and Brookes mom came up there and met us!  Then we headed home for naps yet again!  Josh got someone to come detail the inside and outside of my car for my Christmas present adn they came today!  They did amazing!!  It was a really nice gift too because the kids leave my car so SUPER messy!!!  It is annoying, but i dont really get all the time in the world to go clean my car up every single day when the kids inevitably spill something or drop food on the floor or whatever!  So....yes, i make excuses for myself...what???  LOL!  Anyhow, after that we headed down to Kd's for dads office Christmas party!!  We were in line in Mcdonalds getting Jace and Kyndal food to eat because Kd's menu was not suitable for kids.  But as we were in the drive thru line it started raining a little harder and josh goes "dude that is hail" and i said "Nahhhh" then the freakin tornado sirens went off!!!!!  #whatintheheck  #itsDECEMBER  So i immediately called dad beacuse i was TERRIFIED!  He had to be funny and say "Hey i cant talk now, im in the middle of a tornado..."  LOL!  I was like "Dad where is it???  what the heck is going on?"  OMG!!  NOT COOL!!!  So we turn the radio on and try to figure out what the freakin heck is happening around us.  The skies looked stormy so we didnt know how far it was from us.  Thankfully we found it was in Arcadia, so no worries.  When we got in Kd's i asked if they had precautions and plans in place for if that happened and the manager assured me they did, so i felt a little better.  When Triston and Carter got there (Brooke dropped them off) Triston was scared and worried that we were gonna have a tornado, so i had to calm him down....which is kinda hard when you are just as scared as he is!  HAHAH!!  JK!  I had calmed down by that point!  However, having to remain calm for your kids makes it a little easier because if you freak they will do the same thing, just worse!  So staying calm is always the best bet! :)  After all the tornado nonsense, we finally all got settled in and had a great dinner at kd's!!  It was a good evening and good to see everyone from work! :)  Dad is so generous it is crazy!!  I love that man!  He went over and above so everyone enjoyed their dinner there!  It was not cheap either!!  #tosaytheleast  But he is always happy to do it for everyone!! 

Anyhow, that is about it from around here!  I have some pics from Kd's but theyre on moms phone, so i will have to get those and get them on here eventually!  Or maybe ill just save those for the next post!  Ya never know about me! ;)  Alrighty then, yall have a lovely evening!!  Peace!
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  1. Nice job taking pics at the games! :) I love Jace in the dark jeans and boots - cute! And Kyndal's Elf shirt - how fun!! And you look pretty with the wavy hair, as per usual! I need to see pics from Bill and Jill's party. I'm definitely gonna try to go next year - I was sad to miss it - they're so much fun! Glad KDs was fun tonight - oh, and I love that Dad told you he couldn't talk right then bc of the tornado! hahaha

    1. haha yes, dads comment was typical during stressful situations, LOL! I was so heart was pounding and he says THAT! haha! Yes bill and jill are always fun. Their sweaters were hilarious and so were bill and debbies! :) Im glad you like my hair wavy! :) Thanks!! :)
