Friday, September 16, 2011

***ITS A BOY!!!***

Yayyyyy!!!  it is official, i am having a little baby boy! :)  i am so excited!!!  little Kenneth Jace Michael will be coming to greet us all around the middle of February and i cant wait!!

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mr. Carter

So yesterday, it was proven, once again, that Carter Parrish has a mind of his own...and is not interested in listening sometime.  he is so much like me, my grandma has said she thinks hes mine after all! LOL!  but seriously, he does remind me of myself at times.  but anyways, he had a doctors appointment for his speech therapy yesterday afternoon, so his Nana (Pat, Brookes mom)took him to it.  also, for some reason, she chose to get Triston as well when she went to pick them up.  (which i could have told her right then & there that was a bad decision)  but anyhow, she took them both to the drs appt & im sure had hell trying to get them to behave because SHE never disciplines them & so they dont listen to her worth anything.  but the appt went well & i had told the boys that when i got off i would come get the from Nana & take them to mcdonalds to play.  so Pat called me & said the dr appt ended early & she was gonna go ahead & take them to mcdonalds because they were so hungry & getting restless.  (which annoyed me)  but i said sure thats fine, ill just meet you there.  so when i got off i called her, to find out two things.  one, she took them to a mcdonalds WITHOUT A PLAYPLACE, because she "didnt know where one was"...i mean, freakin drive a couple miles & i bet youll stumble upon one....theyre only at every street corner, GEEEEZ!!!  then number two, Carter had run out in the middle of the street when she was leaving the doctors office & had almost gotten hit by a vehicle...and this was on Classen...i mean, a pretty busy 4 lane road.  THEN she was pulling him back to the car & she picked him up & he BIT HER!!!!!  all that with no spanking.  are you kidding me?????  i would have whooped him so hard, so fast after all that.  but anyhow, she didnt.  and she was telling me that she couldnt believe he would do that.  she said he was playing on the curb & she "thought that was fine" and then he just darted out into the road.  OH EM GEE!!!  i was stunned by the whole situation.  and she said that she told him he was going to have to "face the consequences" of telling josh & i, which im sure he had no clue what the heck that meant.  so that did a lot of good.  but yeah, i couldnt believe all of that happened.  absolutely crazy.  im so glad carter didnt get hurt & i cant belive she wouldnt hold his hand while walking out near any kind of traffic.  i mean, its CARTER!!!!!  triston, you dont really have to hold his hand, hes not gonna run off like that, but if youre gonna hang on to one of them, it better be CARTER!!!  hes the one who is always lookin for trouble.  However, if you have let him know that YOU are the boss when youre around, then he acts much better.  like, i could guarantee that he wouldnt do that around me or josh.  it just wouldnt happen, because either we would be holding his hand (which is how you walk with children in parking lots) or he would listen the first time we called him back to us.  he knows that josh & i are NOT playing around.  obviously i know that we are not perfect parents & i know accidents happen & it could have happened to anyone, but i ALSO know that they do not listen to Pat worth anything because she always gives in & gives them anything they want no matter what they have done just because she doesnt want them to whine for it.  that, my friend, is NOT good parenting.  but anyways, i know im not perfect so ill hush now, lol. 
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Gasoline is Important!

Well this morning was pretty unpleasant.  i happened to run out of gas while pulling in to the gas station.  that is something i have never done before.  it is humiliating to run out of gas, by the way!!  so yesterday, my problem began.  i left work at 5:30 & HAD to get the boys by 6 all the way across town.  when i got in my car, right as i started it, the fuel light came on!  DADGUMMIT!!!  i had no time to stop or i would be late getting the boys & that would be a bad deal.  so i flew out there to Britton & the Broadway Extension & got my little men & headed back to my parents.  also, i must mention, i feel like i cant stop to get gas with the boys in the car, because i do not have a credit card so i would have to run into the store & leave the boys alone in the vehicle & that, i feel, is not wise.  so i went on to my parents without getting gas.  so, we had dinner over there & then headed back to my house.  still had the kiddos, so i didnt stop AGAIN!  so i told myself that i HAD to remember to leave early this morning so that i could get gas & not be late for staff meeting at the office.  i failed.  i was ready, i just got stuck watching Yes, Dear & didnt make it out of the house until approximately 8:20.  (have to be at work at 8:30)  i started the car (and it barely started, for the record) and it flashed & said FUEL LEVEL LOW.  CRAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!  so i said UGH, ill just have to get it at lunch & went on my way.  so i got to Reno & Douglas & there is a Conoco on the corner of that intersection & i pulled into the Conoco (to avoid the red light, bc i was already late) and it died.  :(  i couldnt even turn the steering wheel while pulling in.  grrrrrr!!!!  so i called my dad to let him know i wouldnt be on time for staff meeting & then i went in to get a gas can. THEN, i couldnt figure out how to get the nozzle screwed on to the can...EMBARRASSING!!  so then a nice gentleman came over & said "here lemme help ya there."  thank goodness.  so after i got his help i went & put a little gas in my car & was then able to move it to the pump so i could fill up normally.  MAN OH MAN, what a mess.  on top of all that, i spilled gas, CHA-CHING, all over myself!!!!  and i mean ALLLLLLL over!!!!  i had it on my feet & shoes & pants & sleeves & sweater & hands...ugh so gross & MAN did it smell bad!!  but finally i got enough gas to get to work & my ordeal was over!! :)  so i walked into work, into the staff meeting LATE & i sat down & slowly but surely everyone started to smell me & they were all like "OMGGG WHAT DID YOU DO????"  sooo, i explained & felt so bad.  and then one of the girls made me feel even worse by being like "wow shes making me sick."  "this is ridiculous, i cant breathe"  "dont tell her that, she needs to stay back there, i dont wanna smell that"  she was being mean.  it made me sad.  i didnt know what to do.  i mean, obviously i didnt want to be smelling gas fumes the whole morning either, but IM the one thats pregnant, so she needed to just shut her mouth.  so annoying.  she made me feel even worse then i already did.  JERK!  anywho, the moral to this story, FILL UP ON GAS WHEN YOUR CAR TELLS YOU TO!!!!!!!!!
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fun at the Park!!

    The boys having fun w/daddy at the park!!
T-man getting help from daddy on the spinny pole!
Carterman getting help from daddy too!!

Carter got it figured out!!

Triston doing it all by himself!!
UHH OHH, Carter found a bug!!



they didnt want to go home! :)
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Friday, August 26, 2011

**RANDOM, Yet True!**

This is a story that happend January 12, 2010, but its still so memorable that i want to have a permanent record of it, LOL!  so heres what happened.  i sit right by a window at work & i just happened to look outside just in time to see the commotion.  so, a car pulls up at the intersection of douglas & main, but he is on main street (the side road by crest) so anyways, he gets out of his car & goes into the middle of the intersection while the light is still GREEN and lays down & starts doing push-ups.  NO LIE!!!!  I told everyone in here so we all got up & watched him out the window.  Traffic is stopped bc no one knows what to do & then he gets up & walks back to his car.  BUT then on the right side of his car he does a few more & then walks to the other side of his car & does a few more, THEN gets in his car.  Then AFTER that he drives over to the Crest parking lot, parks in the back of the lot & get out of his car & TAKES OFF in a dead sprint towards the front door…the STOPS about halfway & DOES A FEW MORE PUSH-UPS, then goes in to get his groceries.  this is pure fact people!!  you cant make this stuff up.  haha!  everyone was quite surprised.  i just wish i would have had my iphone there to document some of it.  dang! 

but anyhow, back to present day, i had to take Carter to the dr on Tuesday & he had to get his infected ear cleaned out.  it was too much for me to take.  they strapped him down so hard & he couldnt move at all & then they started sucking the stuff out of his ear.  Carter screamed bloody murder, screaming from the pit of his stomach, DREADFUL!!  so hard to watch/hear.  and im sure it was no picnic for him either.  and when i went over there to comfort him he just looked at me like "why wont you help me"  it was heart breaking.  im already over emotional & that certainly did not help.  but we both lived through it & i took him to get a cookie at the mall afterwards so he knew he had done a good job!!  i was so proud of him, but i felt so bad, all at the same time.  i hate that it got as bad as it did before something was done about it.  but i guess theres some things in life you cant control, so ill try to move on.   but no matter what, ya cant keep the little man down for long.  he was good as new by the time we got home.  so im happy for that.  he is tough as nails & maybe even a little tougher.  gotta love that kid!!
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Thursday, August 4, 2011


So i guess the concept of your hormones being WAY worse during pregnancy is true.  I concede defeat! LOL!  Yesterday i had a crying session over my insurance and doctor bills & it was totally unnecessary.  even right now, looking back on it, i have no idea why i cried over it so uncontrolably.  but i did.  then today during our staff meeting, a couple topics came up that made me want to scream.  and i got very irritated in the meeting...and was rude...and not myself.  and all the girls laughed at me, LOL!  oops!  theres a few things going on here at work and some people being unkind to my dad (which, if you know me, thats the QUICKEST, FASTEST way to get on my BAD SIDE!!)  but i am having a more difficult time dealing with them & their nonsense now as opposed to a few months ago.  i mean, i know my dad can stand up for himself & i also know he has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG!!!!!!!!  and so for the nimrods to be mad/rude/hateful/downright evil to him, is not something im prepared to tolerate!! (hehe, linds) seriously, i am to the point where i want to have a sit down chat w/some people & let them know my feelings & i dont have a single doubt in my mind that my timidness (during confrontation) would DISAPPEAR & i would LET THEM HAVE IT!!!  however, i cannot do that.  i know God's wrath is far better then me getting my own, but i just really really hope im around to see it come rainin down on them before too long.  cant wait!!  but anyhow, i just never really knew that your emotions were this out of wack while pregnant.  guess ya learn somethin new everyday! :)  but basically all that to say, dont mess with my dad right now, i could go on a rampage at any moment.  LOL! 

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Monday, August 1, 2011

So Gross...

okay, so as we all know, I HATE bugs.  Crickets & grasshoppers are past the point of hate, i absolutely loathe them.  they are sooooo disgusting to me.  and everyone always says "oh they cant hurt you" but thats FALSE, due to the panic attack that could incur if i encounter one.  All that to get to the actual story, i was coming into work this morning & i saw a grasshopper right in front of me.  of course i walked WAY far around it as not to disturb it, so it wouldnt attack...THEN i walked and i was almost to the entrance of the office & there was another one DIRECTLY in front of the door.  now thats just wrong!!!! 

So after nearly fainting, i walked back to my car & called my dad who was inside the office at the time & said he MUST come save me from the grasshopper army outside.  so he came & opened the door, which of course caused grasshopper #2 to move & guess what, he flew/jumped/hopped/whatever the dispicable creatures do, RIGHT AT ME!!!!!!  i felt as though i had dodged a speeding bullet when i jumped out of the way & RAN towards my dad.  but anyhow, just figured i would let everyone (well, you lindsey) know that i survived the attack & am doing okay.  lol!!  OH & THENNNN, a little bit ago i was walkin back to my desk from dads office & walked right through his doorway & then i turned around & found that i had JUST walked by a GINORMOUS fiddleback!!!  EW!!  most disgusting thing ever.  so now i have been fighting the feeling of things crawling up my legs or down my neck & all that!!  i dont want a spider to descend from the ceiling & use me as a landing area.  YUCK!!  but anywho, thats all ive got for today.  hopefully i wont come in contact with any other creepy crawlers for the rest of the evening!! 
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Saturday, July 30, 2011


Okay, so this post is going to just be an introduction to our household & let you know part of the reasons for the chaos.

First off, my wonderful husband, Josh! He is a certified alarm technician at Camco! He is also a big part of how i have turned my life around. when i met him i was on a bad path & he helped bring me out of it & realize that i didnt need to settle for everything i was caught up in. he is an amazing father & husband & i love him with my whole heart!

Second, we have little Triston!  He is such a sweetheart!  He is definitely the more calm one out of the two.  He is also the one who will show the most affection.  he is BRILLIANT & has already memorized the first 15 books of the Bible.  he catches on to things so quickly, and can do anything he sets his mind to, whether good or bad.  He is 4 right now & about to start pre-school.  i can't wait to help him with homework & hear about his days at school! :)  

Then we have Carter man, who is 3 right now!!  He is every bit BOY!!  He is as tough as nails.  there have been several times he's fallen or taken a hit that i thought he was gonna be crying about for a while, and then he just pops up like nothin happened!!  He also wants to be just like "bubba" and imitates him often.  it is always so cute.  He gets excited over pretty much anything and ALWAYS wants to be playing outside.  he could play out there forever and never get tired of it.  i can't wait to see him grow bigger & stronger!

But anyways, thats about it!!  I love all 3 boys with all my heart & i can't wait to see if God is gonna send us another boy, or if we are gonna get a little girl to bring a little less craziness to our house.  either way, I can't wait!! :)
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