Friday, August 26, 2011

**RANDOM, Yet True!**

This is a story that happend January 12, 2010, but its still so memorable that i want to have a permanent record of it, LOL!  so heres what happened.  i sit right by a window at work & i just happened to look outside just in time to see the commotion.  so, a car pulls up at the intersection of douglas & main, but he is on main street (the side road by crest) so anyways, he gets out of his car & goes into the middle of the intersection while the light is still GREEN and lays down & starts doing push-ups.  NO LIE!!!!  I told everyone in here so we all got up & watched him out the window.  Traffic is stopped bc no one knows what to do & then he gets up & walks back to his car.  BUT then on the right side of his car he does a few more & then walks to the other side of his car & does a few more, THEN gets in his car.  Then AFTER that he drives over to the Crest parking lot, parks in the back of the lot & get out of his car & TAKES OFF in a dead sprint towards the front door…the STOPS about halfway & DOES A FEW MORE PUSH-UPS, then goes in to get his groceries.  this is pure fact people!!  you cant make this stuff up.  haha!  everyone was quite surprised.  i just wish i would have had my iphone there to document some of it.  dang! 

but anyhow, back to present day, i had to take Carter to the dr on Tuesday & he had to get his infected ear cleaned out.  it was too much for me to take.  they strapped him down so hard & he couldnt move at all & then they started sucking the stuff out of his ear.  Carter screamed bloody murder, screaming from the pit of his stomach, DREADFUL!!  so hard to watch/hear.  and im sure it was no picnic for him either.  and when i went over there to comfort him he just looked at me like "why wont you help me"  it was heart breaking.  im already over emotional & that certainly did not help.  but we both lived through it & i took him to get a cookie at the mall afterwards so he knew he had done a good job!!  i was so proud of him, but i felt so bad, all at the same time.  i hate that it got as bad as it did before something was done about it.  but i guess theres some things in life you cant control, so ill try to move on.   but no matter what, ya cant keep the little man down for long.  he was good as new by the time we got home.  so im happy for that.  he is tough as nails & maybe even a little tougher.  gotta love that kid!!
 photo d0e04041-2262-45f7-8245-3793ce7c5929.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Ummm, make your pictures BIGGER! lol That one is really cute, though. And wow, I've never heard the full pushup guy story... how bizzare! Kinda wish I'd been there to see it! (I do find it funny that you remember that date but draw a blank when I ask you what day you got engaged. lol) Anyway, hope Carter is feeling totally better now! Glad you're blogging again. =)
