Monday, August 1, 2011

So Gross...

okay, so as we all know, I HATE bugs.  Crickets & grasshoppers are past the point of hate, i absolutely loathe them.  they are sooooo disgusting to me.  and everyone always says "oh they cant hurt you" but thats FALSE, due to the panic attack that could incur if i encounter one.  All that to get to the actual story, i was coming into work this morning & i saw a grasshopper right in front of me.  of course i walked WAY far around it as not to disturb it, so it wouldnt attack...THEN i walked and i was almost to the entrance of the office & there was another one DIRECTLY in front of the door.  now thats just wrong!!!! 

So after nearly fainting, i walked back to my car & called my dad who was inside the office at the time & said he MUST come save me from the grasshopper army outside.  so he came & opened the door, which of course caused grasshopper #2 to move & guess what, he flew/jumped/hopped/whatever the dispicable creatures do, RIGHT AT ME!!!!!!  i felt as though i had dodged a speeding bullet when i jumped out of the way & RAN towards my dad.  but anyhow, just figured i would let everyone (well, you lindsey) know that i survived the attack & am doing okay.  lol!!  OH & THENNNN, a little bit ago i was walkin back to my desk from dads office & walked right through his doorway & then i turned around & found that i had JUST walked by a GINORMOUS fiddleback!!!  EW!!  most disgusting thing ever.  so now i have been fighting the feeling of things crawling up my legs or down my neck & all that!!  i dont want a spider to descend from the ceiling & use me as a landing area.  YUCK!!  but anywho, thats all ive got for today.  hopefully i wont come in contact with any other creepy crawlers for the rest of the evening!! 
 photo d0e04041-2262-45f7-8245-3793ce7c5929.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, was it really a fiddleback!? Yikes. That office gets some creepy bugs, for real! I do think it's funny that the grasshoppers seem to scare you more than the spiders and scorpions. lol Makes me think of J-Law putting that one on your car door handle. :)
