Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gasoline is Important!

Well this morning was pretty unpleasant.  i happened to run out of gas while pulling in to the gas station.  that is something i have never done before.  it is humiliating to run out of gas, by the way!!  so yesterday, my problem began.  i left work at 5:30 & HAD to get the boys by 6 all the way across town.  when i got in my car, right as i started it, the fuel light came on!  DADGUMMIT!!!  i had no time to stop or i would be late getting the boys & that would be a bad deal.  so i flew out there to Britton & the Broadway Extension & got my little men & headed back to my parents.  also, i must mention, i feel like i cant stop to get gas with the boys in the car, because i do not have a credit card so i would have to run into the store & leave the boys alone in the vehicle & that, i feel, is not wise.  so i went on to my parents without getting gas.  so, we had dinner over there & then headed back to my house.  still had the kiddos, so i didnt stop AGAIN!  so i told myself that i HAD to remember to leave early this morning so that i could get gas & not be late for staff meeting at the office.  i failed.  i was ready, i just got stuck watching Yes, Dear & didnt make it out of the house until approximately 8:20.  (have to be at work at 8:30)  i started the car (and it barely started, for the record) and it flashed & said FUEL LEVEL LOW.  CRAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!  so i said UGH, ill just have to get it at lunch & went on my way.  so i got to Reno & Douglas & there is a Conoco on the corner of that intersection & i pulled into the Conoco (to avoid the red light, bc i was already late) and it died.  :(  i couldnt even turn the steering wheel while pulling in.  grrrrrr!!!!  so i called my dad to let him know i wouldnt be on time for staff meeting & then i went in to get a gas can. THEN, i couldnt figure out how to get the nozzle screwed on to the can...EMBARRASSING!!  so then a nice gentleman came over & said "here lemme help ya there."  thank goodness.  so after i got his help i went & put a little gas in my car & was then able to move it to the pump so i could fill up normally.  MAN OH MAN, what a mess.  on top of all that, i spilled gas, CHA-CHING, all over myself!!!!  and i mean ALLLLLLL over!!!!  i had it on my feet & shoes & pants & sleeves & sweater & hands...ugh so gross & MAN did it smell bad!!  but finally i got enough gas to get to work & my ordeal was over!! :)  so i walked into work, into the staff meeting LATE & i sat down & slowly but surely everyone started to smell me & they were all like "OMGGG WHAT DID YOU DO????"  sooo, i explained & felt so bad.  and then one of the girls made me feel even worse by being like "wow shes making me sick."  "this is ridiculous, i cant breathe"  "dont tell her that, she needs to stay back there, i dont wanna smell that"  she was being mean.  it made me sad.  i didnt know what to do.  i mean, obviously i didnt want to be smelling gas fumes the whole morning either, but IM the one thats pregnant, so she needed to just shut her mouth.  so annoying.  she made me feel even worse then i already did.  JERK!  anywho, the moral to this story, FILL UP ON GAS WHEN YOUR CAR TELLS YOU TO!!!!!!!!!
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