Monday, May 4, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Week!!!

So here it is, Teacher Appreciation week.  I cant believe this year has passed so quickly.  I made some chalkboards for the boys "specials" teachers like art and P.E. and such.  I like how they turned out! :)

Then for their teachers I have made a couple different gifts for them.  For Mrs. Chapman, I made a chalkboard like the boys' birthday boards and it has a lot of random things they learn in kindergarten.  Then for Mrs Fowler, I made that wreath from my last post.  I am giving those both to them on the last day of school!  Then Mrs. Alexander asked me to make one that had a superhero theme becauase that's how she is going to decorate her classroom for next year.  So I got that one done too! :)

And I was just asked by a police officers wife to make a police wreath in honor of national police appreciation week which is next week!  I am so happy to make that one!  I think the police deserve a lot more recognition and respect than they get, especially these days. 

We also decided that we are going to move from "Unexpected Treasures" in Midwest city to "Showplace Market" in Moore.  I hope it will be a good transition, but I will have a much bigger space to fill.  SO I have to get on it with making things to sell!! 

Anyhow, moving on, we had the boys over the weekend. It was the first weekend with no parties or soccer games or anything to do for us at all!  :)  It was fun, but actually a little boring, LOL!  I cant wait til we can go swim at Jobugs on those "boring" weekends! :) 
On a different note, I actually started Plexus today.  I normally wouldn't put that out there, but I think my 3 readers already know :)  I am hoping that I will stay accountable on it and do it right.  I have seen SO MANY testimonials on how well it works if you do it right.  Dad always says "anything works if you do it" so I guess that's the key.  Sad....I was hoping it would work if I just ate oreos and drank diet cokes all day......**SIGH**  I must break this bad habit for my children though!!  I MUST I MUST I MUST!!!!!  I don't want them to have to worry about their weight ever and I want to help them learn how to eat right.  I know I can do it, I just have to want it worse than anything else!!

lastly, here are a few pics of the kids all getting along this weekend. :)  I didn't put any of the ones of them fighting and arguing with each other ;) lol! 

***Check out Carters 6 pack in this one!!  #ripped #crazy #hesonly7 lol!  another note on this picture--he was so excited when Kyndal laid her head on him, he was like "Rachael Rachael, come take a picture!!"  lol!  Sweet boy! 

Oh and speaking of that sweet boy, he asked Jesus in to his heart while we were having lunch at Pelicans!!  We have kept telling him to wait because he hasn't truly grasped what it means and he just wanted to do it because Triston did and because Triston got in the spotlight for it for a while.  So we kept telling him to wait until he understood it more.  So at Pelicans, he asked Josh if he would go to heaven even if he didn't ask Jesus in his heart and Josh said no.  Then I told him that he has to do that because that is the whole reason Jesus came for us.  And we talked ab it a little bit and he said "can I do it right now?" and so I asked him a few more questions and had him tell me what it meant and why and all that.  So he answered them all very well and so I just said I think youre ready.  there was so much distraction at the table (and Carter in particular is WAY to easily distracted) so I asked Josh if he wanted to take him up front and he told me to go ahead.  SO I took Carter up to the front of the restaurant and we sat down and talked about it a little more and I told him to pray to Jesus and ask Him to come in to your heart and forgive you of all your sins, and bless his heart, he couldn't really get those words out.  He was having trouble.  So I told him to repeat after me!  and he did!  So then we went back to the table and he told Josh and everyone.  :):):):)   I was so proud of him!  He is so excited to be baptized too!  So we are going to do that next time it comes around! :)  but yes, that was the highlight of the weekend! :) 

But that is really about all I got for ya!!  Have a lovely day! :)

1 comment:

  1. So exciting about Carter!! That's awesome that you got to walk him through it, too! =) Definitely keep me updated on when he's getting baptized.

    Love the Superheroes wreath - the colors and everything are great! And I feel like you're getting more and more creative on the chalkboards - impressive!!

    Love all three pics of the kids getting along! lol

    Congrats on starting Plexus - changing bad habits is freakishly hard, but not impossible - so we can encourage each other on that!!

    Finally, when you finish writing your next post, I vote that you go down to your "signature image" and then backspace up to the last line. lol Adding pics always throws it further down, but it's awkward to have all that extra space at the bottom.

    Okay, I'm done now!! lol You have a lovely day as well! :)
