Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rain, rain, GO THE HECK AWAY!!!!!!

Soooooo is it really summer orrrrrrr??????  what the heck man!?!  This time last year we had already been to Jobugs to swim a few times and it was beautiful and SUNNY outside....this year.....I cant even remember what the sun looks like! :(  I am really hoping it will come soon....this is really crampin my style man! :( 

Anyhow, enough negativity ;) today we took a walk with all the kids and they absolutely LOVED playing in the puddles and jumping all around in them.  We had gone to Target earlier and Triston got a fun little "airplane" game that he played and Carter and Dad played catch for a bit and Jace and Kyndal just found EVERY SINGLE PUDDLE and jumped all around in them! :)  It was fun!  They had a blast! :)  I got a few cute pics too!!

Today I put Kyndals hair in pig tails and it was OH SO CUTE! :) :)  shes so sweet!

There really isn't too much new to report.  I am not going to do Showplace Market because I don't know if I can keep up with the work load I could possibly get.  Especially during the summer.  It is just not a great time for that.  Sadly.  :(  But I think it is for the best.  I am doing pretty well on my facebook page, so I will keep going with that for now! :)  I am set to do an "Adoption" themed board for a couple that's adoption will be final June 1st.  and I have done a board for "Mrs. Snyder" and am in the process of doing a birthday board for a girls 25th birthday.  Two ladies are also wanting wreaths and then i have one more garland to get done.  So I will be working on all those while I wait for this rain to STOPPIT! :)

That's about it from here!  this is a short blog, but i just found myself with a tiny bit of time, so i squeezed it in real quick!!  Thanks for checking in!!  Have a great Memorial Day!
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1 comment:

  1. Ummm, hello!??

    It's almost been a month. Just in case you forgot. ;)
