Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rain, rain, GO THE HECK AWAY!!!!!!

Soooooo is it really summer orrrrrrr??????  what the heck man!?!  This time last year we had already been to Jobugs to swim a few times and it was beautiful and SUNNY outside....this year.....I cant even remember what the sun looks like! :(  I am really hoping it will come soon....this is really crampin my style man! :( 

Anyhow, enough negativity ;) today we took a walk with all the kids and they absolutely LOVED playing in the puddles and jumping all around in them.  We had gone to Target earlier and Triston got a fun little "airplane" game that he played and Carter and Dad played catch for a bit and Jace and Kyndal just found EVERY SINGLE PUDDLE and jumped all around in them! :)  It was fun!  They had a blast! :)  I got a few cute pics too!!

Today I put Kyndals hair in pig tails and it was OH SO CUTE! :) :)  shes so sweet!

There really isn't too much new to report.  I am not going to do Showplace Market because I don't know if I can keep up with the work load I could possibly get.  Especially during the summer.  It is just not a great time for that.  Sadly.  :(  But I think it is for the best.  I am doing pretty well on my facebook page, so I will keep going with that for now! :)  I am set to do an "Adoption" themed board for a couple that's adoption will be final June 1st.  and I have done a board for "Mrs. Snyder" and am in the process of doing a birthday board for a girls 25th birthday.  Two ladies are also wanting wreaths and then i have one more garland to get done.  So I will be working on all those while I wait for this rain to STOPPIT! :)

That's about it from here!  this is a short blog, but i just found myself with a tiny bit of time, so i squeezed it in real quick!!  Thanks for checking in!!  Have a great Memorial Day!
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Monday, May 18, 2015

Last week of school???? WHAAAAAT!!!

Hey kids!  So yes, it is the last week of school, can you believe it!?!?!  I cant.  It has truly flown by!  The last week is always busy busy busy.  There is much to be done.  That will be even more true when the kids get older.  Tristons end of year party is on Thursday.  Carters teacher went to Boston with her daughter so she is gone for the last week, so we had their party last week.  I got to give Mrs Chapman her chalkboard and she was so happy with it! :) :)   I also had all the kids sign the back of it to make it a little more special! :) 

On the crafting front, I have been keeping pretty busy and I LOVE IT! :) :)  I made the Police officers wife a wreath and then I ended up selling two more very similar.  I did a few more Teacher signs and now I am working on a sign for a girls wedding! :)  I hope I can keep going like this!  I am beginning to debate doing Showplace Market because I know if I get too busy then it wont be good.  Right now I am at a good balance and I don't want to get overwhelmed where I cant do anything else because I have too many orders.  of course, that is assuming that I would actually sell something at showplace as opposed to Unexpected Treasures, LOLLOL!  Heres a few pics tho :)

This one is for a couple at CHA who he used to be the Football coach and she used to be the cheer coach!  So I thought the chalkboard was fitting :)  Mrs. Merrell is also the mom of Jenni Kufahl, who passed away last august and so when I gave this wreath (and dinner we made for them) I talked to her for a bit.....more on that later...

This was for a lady whose police officer husband was killed in the line of duty.  His badge number was 1123.

I mentioned in my last blog that I was starting Plexus.  Well I am now 3 weeks in and I am seriously 100% sold on it.  I was so skeptical that it would work for me because....well....just because I was.  But I am happy to report that I committed to it 100% and I have seen results for sure.  I most definitely have more energy than I have had since before I had kids! lol!  and I also feel better and I am down to drinking not even a full Diet Coke per day, where I was drinking like 5-6 a day.  My intense sugar cravings (mainly for oreos) has decreased drastically.  I mean it was BAD.  I am so happy that I have gotten more control over that these past couple weeks.  It is a long and slow process, but I am committed to keeping going and I really hope that I have great success to come :)

I mentioned earlier that I took dinner to Mrs. merrell today and talked to her and Cruz (her grandson, Jennis youngest son--5---, age 5) for a bit.  Well, I ended up in tears because of what all we talked about.  we got to talking about Jenni, and Cruz said he knows his daddy married the best girl he could because she was so nice and the best mom.  I said "Youre right, she was awesome.  I remember having so much fun with her when I babysat for your brothers and sisters." then I told him I had babysat for Maddie and Connor and Kelton.  He seemed surprised :)  Hes so cute!  Then we talked a little bit more, but she said that Jennis biggest Prayer/concern was that she didn't want Cruz to forget her.  :( and then she said with a smile "and God answered that because he is the one who talks about her the most" :*( break my heart!!!  Then I looked at him and he had a big smile on his face.  he saw my eyes filling with tears and kinda looked at me like "what is your deal lady?" lol but then he said "yep, I love her!"  and then Mrs. Merrell said "you still have a mom right cruz?  she is just up in Heaven getting it all ready for you!"  so by that point I couldn't keep from crying anymore.  OH so sad.  I never thought she would die.  NEVER.  I just knew God would come thru in the clutch and heal her and totally show off.  I just don't get why He didn't.  Why Lord????  I pray that all those kids remain firm and strong in their faith because something like that could rattle you to the core.  so keep praying for them!! 

As for all the kids, they are all doing great!  On Mothers day we went to lunch at Chuckee Cheese and of course the kids LOVED that! :)  My sweet husband also got me some pretty flowers and some chocolate covered strawberries! #TOOMUCH #sosweet!  There is really not much of anything new to report with all the little ones.  They are ready for summer, as am I!  I want to go SWIMMMING!!!!!!!!  hurry up 90 degree weather :) :)  anyways, that's about all I got for ya!!  hope yall have a lovely week!!  I will close with a picture of Jace eating ketchup off of his finger, just like I used to do........any maybe still do every once in a while ;) ;)

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Monday, May 4, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Week!!!

So here it is, Teacher Appreciation week.  I cant believe this year has passed so quickly.  I made some chalkboards for the boys "specials" teachers like art and P.E. and such.  I like how they turned out! :)

Then for their teachers I have made a couple different gifts for them.  For Mrs. Chapman, I made a chalkboard like the boys' birthday boards and it has a lot of random things they learn in kindergarten.  Then for Mrs Fowler, I made that wreath from my last post.  I am giving those both to them on the last day of school!  Then Mrs. Alexander asked me to make one that had a superhero theme becauase that's how she is going to decorate her classroom for next year.  So I got that one done too! :)

And I was just asked by a police officers wife to make a police wreath in honor of national police appreciation week which is next week!  I am so happy to make that one!  I think the police deserve a lot more recognition and respect than they get, especially these days. 

We also decided that we are going to move from "Unexpected Treasures" in Midwest city to "Showplace Market" in Moore.  I hope it will be a good transition, but I will have a much bigger space to fill.  SO I have to get on it with making things to sell!! 

Anyhow, moving on, we had the boys over the weekend. It was the first weekend with no parties or soccer games or anything to do for us at all!  :)  It was fun, but actually a little boring, LOL!  I cant wait til we can go swim at Jobugs on those "boring" weekends! :) 
On a different note, I actually started Plexus today.  I normally wouldn't put that out there, but I think my 3 readers already know :)  I am hoping that I will stay accountable on it and do it right.  I have seen SO MANY testimonials on how well it works if you do it right.  Dad always says "anything works if you do it" so I guess that's the key.  Sad....I was hoping it would work if I just ate oreos and drank diet cokes all day......**SIGH**  I must break this bad habit for my children though!!  I MUST I MUST I MUST!!!!!  I don't want them to have to worry about their weight ever and I want to help them learn how to eat right.  I know I can do it, I just have to want it worse than anything else!!

lastly, here are a few pics of the kids all getting along this weekend. :)  I didn't put any of the ones of them fighting and arguing with each other ;) lol! 

***Check out Carters 6 pack in this one!!  #ripped #crazy #hesonly7 lol!  another note on this picture--he was so excited when Kyndal laid her head on him, he was like "Rachael Rachael, come take a picture!!"  lol!  Sweet boy! 

Oh and speaking of that sweet boy, he asked Jesus in to his heart while we were having lunch at Pelicans!!  We have kept telling him to wait because he hasn't truly grasped what it means and he just wanted to do it because Triston did and because Triston got in the spotlight for it for a while.  So we kept telling him to wait until he understood it more.  So at Pelicans, he asked Josh if he would go to heaven even if he didn't ask Jesus in his heart and Josh said no.  Then I told him that he has to do that because that is the whole reason Jesus came for us.  And we talked ab it a little bit and he said "can I do it right now?" and so I asked him a few more questions and had him tell me what it meant and why and all that.  So he answered them all very well and so I just said I think youre ready.  there was so much distraction at the table (and Carter in particular is WAY to easily distracted) so I asked Josh if he wanted to take him up front and he told me to go ahead.  SO I took Carter up to the front of the restaurant and we sat down and talked about it a little more and I told him to pray to Jesus and ask Him to come in to your heart and forgive you of all your sins, and bless his heart, he couldn't really get those words out.  He was having trouble.  So I told him to repeat after me!  and he did!  So then we went back to the table and he told Josh and everyone.  :):):):)   I was so proud of him!  He is so excited to be baptized too!  So we are going to do that next time it comes around! :)  but yes, that was the highlight of the weekend! :) 

But that is really about all I got for ya!!  Have a lovely day! :)