Friday, April 17, 2015

Birthday Parties & Monster Hats :)

Hello, ello!!  Hope this finds you all doing lovely!  As always, I don't know how the weeks pass so quickly!  Carters birthday is coming up this Saturday!  I'm sure we will do something fun for his sweet self!  This has really been a birthday MONTH!  Every single weekend this month we've had one, if not two birthday party's to go to!  The boys have loved it!!  At Landry Kate's party, her mom put some "Chapstick" in the goodie bags that was actually colored lip balm & the boys did not know! LOL!  They were caught off guard when they looked at each other!

The boys' bday party will be next weekend!!  It's gonna be a Lego theme, so it should be cute!  I can't believe they're 7&8 already!!!  Wow!!

The other day jace found a monster hat & was dying to put it on, so I got some cute pics of him & miss k in it!  I love them!! :). Over the weekend, we took a fun trip to target, me & all four kids!  We all got a blue icee to help make it go a tad smoother! ;). We all had fun tho!

On a different note, we went to church at the OKC campus where Craig is live and we sat in the second row!  It was pretty cool!  I remember it used to be no big deal to see him live, but now its like im starstruck!! lol!  I snapped a quick pic of him while I was sitting down :)

anywho, i have done a few new wreaths here lately. i did one for my hair dresser and the girls in her salon loved it! :)  Made me happy...heres a few pics.  The "Super" sign is for one of the teachers at CHA who wants a "super hero" wreath for her classroom!  So this is the centerpiece!  Its only the not done with it yet, but im excited to see it all finished!   :):)

Anyways, that's about it from me!  Thanks for catching up on my life! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, I hadn't heard the lip balm story. (That pic makes me think of Joey and his Ichiban Lipstick for Men commercial!) Glad you took a closeup of the Rutz Salon sign - I didn't notice the arrows on the first pic - very cute!! Hope the rest of Carter's B-day weekend is great! I'm excited for their party next weekend!! =)
