Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Triston and Carter's Birthday & Everything in Between

So this past weekend was the boys' birthday party!  It was a success for sure.  They all had a great time.  Brooke got some lego sets that we had all the kids put together and they all seemed to LOVE that!  I have several pics on here that were the best of the ones mom took! :)  The first one is the set up of the party and presents area! :)  We used the signs linds made and it looked great!  I loved it!  The next two are the little lego pit for the little ones that were gonna be there.  It was seriously the best idea ever!  Jace and Kyndal played in there for quite a while! :)  That made it so much easier on us!  Then there is Triston and his buddies Reece and Eli! Then Carter and his future wife, Landry Kate! :)  Then Triston and Carter with all their little siblings! :):)  Then we have all the CHA moms that were there!  Then the last two are of two boys!!  They're so cute :)

In other big news, last night we converted Jaces crib from a crib to a "big boy bed" and before all the haters start talkin, YES he is 3 and YES we are just now getting him out of a crib, but in my defense, he has protested everytime weve talked about the idea.  but anyways, haters gonn' hate, LOL!  So much judgement when it comes to parenting haha!  but thats all beside the point, HE DID GREAT!!!!  He stayed in his bed the whole night.  He fussed a bit, but that is normal.  I was so proud!  I cant believe he is growing up so fast! :(  Next thing ya know, Kyndal will be making this same transition!

Yesterday, we took the kids to Chuckee Cheese with Babaw and Grandad.  Jace loves "Big Chuckee" and he was so cute trying to dance with him.  He just jumped around like crazy.  He also followed him all around trying to get a hug, it was precious! :)  Kyndal is so independent its insane.  She wants nothing to do with having ANY help.  and I gotta give it to her, she can do dang near everything jace can! and if she cant quite do it, she will sure as heck try her heart out!!  :)

So this is a story that is more on a random note, I just wanted to write about it on here so that I wont ever forget it because it seriously rocked my world for a few minutes, lol!  So Jace, Kyndal and I were shopping at Target and I had both of them in the back of the cart with all the groceries.  They were slowly running out of room and everytime they would stand up stuff would fall down in their way so it was hard for them to sit back down.  However, I kept having to get on to the because they BOTH kept standing up, which is just dangerous in those carts like that.  So Kyndal and her defiance stood up and was lifting her butt on to the back far end of the cart (if that makes sense) and she was trying to balance and I looked up and saw that so I immediately stopped the cart so that I could get on to her and that caused her to lose the little balance she did have and she started falling backwards so I darted to the side of the cart and grabbed her leg and threw her in to the cart.  (Not really THREW, but forcefully pulled her back in, lol)  It seriously stopped my heart for a minute.  It. was. TERRIFYING.  I didn't have time to do anything but react in the short second it took, but afterwards I had to stop for a minute and just stand there for a little bit and thank JESUS that she didn't fall on her head.  She could have fallen so easily because that is the direction she was heading.  She was going backwards and had no shot of catching herself.  OMG it was awful.  So after that, she got to just ride in the front area with the seatbelt and I didn't even CARE if she fussed.  Id rather hear her fuss than be in the ER because she fell on her head.  So yeah, that is just a good reminder for parents that the back of the carts is not a great place for little ones.  Jace knows not to do that and so he is okay back there, but Kyndal doesn't get why im telling her to stop.  Anyway, again, THANK YOU LORD for keeping her safe!!!! 

As for wreaths, I made one for Mrs. Fowler for the end of school.  Her favorite color is lime green, so I used a LOT of that!  I also did one for a lady in my dads office.  She wanted it basically just red and white.  I also did a garland for a lady at the salon.  It is really cute and colorful :)

I did a chalkboard for the boys' party and then one random one for the fourth of july to just go in my shop or something unless someone decides to buy it first?  lol! 

That about wraps it up from me!  Thanks for reading! :)  Til next time, PEACE OUT!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Birthday Parties & Monster Hats :)

Hello, ello!!  Hope this finds you all doing lovely!  As always, I don't know how the weeks pass so quickly!  Carters birthday is coming up this Saturday!  I'm sure we will do something fun for his sweet self!  This has really been a birthday MONTH!  Every single weekend this month we've had one, if not two birthday party's to go to!  The boys have loved it!!  At Landry Kate's party, her mom put some "Chapstick" in the goodie bags that was actually colored lip balm & the boys did not know! LOL!  They were caught off guard when they looked at each other!

The boys' bday party will be next weekend!!  It's gonna be a Lego theme, so it should be cute!  I can't believe they're 7&8 already!!!  Wow!!

The other day jace found a monster hat & was dying to put it on, so I got some cute pics of him & miss k in it!  I love them!! :). Over the weekend, we took a fun trip to target, me & all four kids!  We all got a blue icee to help make it go a tad smoother! ;). We all had fun tho!

On a different note, we went to church at the OKC campus where Craig is live and we sat in the second row!  It was pretty cool!  I remember it used to be no big deal to see him live, but now its like im starstruck!! lol!  I snapped a quick pic of him while I was sitting down :)

anywho, i have done a few new wreaths here lately. i did one for my hair dresser and the girls in her salon loved it! :)  Made me happy...heres a few pics.  The "Super" sign is for one of the teachers at CHA who wants a "super hero" wreath for her classroom!  So this is the centerpiece!  Its only the beginning...im not done with it yet, but im excited to see it all finished!   :):)

Anyways, that's about it from me!  Thanks for catching up on my life! Have a great weekend!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter, everyone!!!  Church was so great today!  It is so nice to know how GOOD God is!!!  How does He love us so much?  It baffles my mind when I stop and think about it.  I think about ALL I have done and even with Him knowing all of it and all I will do, He still LOVES me, more than anyone else!  That.  is.  AWESOME!!

Anyhow, I didn't get a pic of all the kids, which breaks my little heart.  They looked so cute.  When we got home from church, I realized that and Triston and Carter had already gone with Brooke, so I could only get pics of Jace and Kyndal!  But they're so cute too! ;)

(Notice her cute toenails :) :):))

Yesterday, we had an easter egg hunt at Jobugs house.  The kids had great fun!  Babaw made her "bunny cake" that she made all the time for us back in the day!  I have a pic of me getting all the icing off of it when I was like 3 and as it turned out, Jace did the exact same thing! :)  made me smile!  So I got a pic of him doing it.  Now I just have to find the one of me!  But the kids all got lots of easter eggs and candy and they had a great time.  Then we sat down for some cake and ice cream while the kids devoured their candy!  Needless to say, they LOVED it! :)

As far as the craft front, I have been making a few chalkboards for people!  I have been loving the way theyre turning out! :)

Not quite finished yet with Baylors, but im close!  I think these are so much fun to do, they just take so long!  Hopefully every one I do, I will get to do faster!  Eventually ill be quick and they will actually be worth my while, lol!   Everyones gotta start somewhere I guess! :)  I have a couple new wreaths also. :)

Anyhow, that is really about all I have been up to lately!  The kids are growing fast!  We are nearing the end of the school year!  Triston had his birthday on the 2nd and they had practice that night, so we had to celebrate on a different day...sometime next weekend!  Bc this weeked was nuts! They had a soccer game at 10:00 then a birthday party for Nathaniel (in Carters class) and they went to that from 11-2ish and got home right as the little ones were getting up from their naps and then we headed to Jobugs for easter egg hunting, then met Dad and Josh for dinner and home and bed.  So then Sunday is easter and they went to church and lunch with us and then T&C went home with Brooke to go have easter egg hunts with her family.  So yes, next weekend we will celebrate birthdays!  Hopefully! lol!  There is another bday party for one of the kids in carters class next weekend also and they will have a soccer game!  So we will see!  We will celebrate at some point! :)  Anyway, hope everyone has had a great Easter!!!  Til next time.....

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