Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I'm baaaack!!

Long time no talk, eyy?  Me and my kids are on the way to Red Robin with my mom and dad for Jace's Birthday dinner!  Two boys (& Josh is coaching) have their last basketball practice this evening, which is a bummer for them to miss out!  But we will all go to chuckee cheese on Thursday!!  

Anywho, I have neglected my blog as of lately, and I'm sure my readers have missed me desperately!! ;)  but HERE I AM!!  So today is my boys 4th birthday!  I can't believe it's been that long ago.  this day 4 years ago, I went to Lakeside to have a non stress test and for them to do an ultrasound and they came back and told me my fluid is way too low and today is the day they would induce me.  I was not happy about that...because surprisingly I had procrastinated EVERYTHING so I was not ready.  BUT, it all ended up working out perfectly anyways!!  I was in labor from about 11 when they broke my water& then around dinner time, my family decided to go get some food & thankfully Josh and my mom didn't go because shortly after they left, Jace came roaring in to the world!!!  I pushed 3 times and there he was!!  My precious sweet baby!  That feeling was unlike anything I've ever experienced.  Such chaos and such awesomeness.

My sweet boy on his birthday!!  He's beautiful!!  

And still is!!  HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY JACE MICHAEL!! 

Here is a picture of the chalkboard I did for Jace!!  
He loves Blaze right now!!he loves driving by cars in the road and saying "gotcha fool". He loved playing golf with his daddy last night!  He loves school with Mrs Susan and Mrs Lisa.  He is always quick to defend Kyndal and when I make her cry he'll say "leave my sister alone!"  Which is sweet and a little bit tacky...which pretty much sums him up, LOL!!  He's been so sweet all day today!  I can't believe he's been in my life for 4 years!! What a great 4 years we've had and how I pray for him to grow up to love Jesus more than anything and to really truly understand Gods grace!!  I love you Jace!!