Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Emilys wedding, 4th of July, and more...

Well, I am going to update here, so there will be a ton of pictures on this one too!  Just letting you know in advance ;)

Emilys wedding went great!!  The kids did awesome and they looked GREAT!!  :)  I was so nervous as we were in the back waiting to walk out! OMG!  We waited in a TINY little area and Jace and Kyndal were DONE in there and so they were not holding my hand and fussing like crazy and I was just trying to prepare for them to not even walk down the aisle the way they were acting there for a minute.  But when it came right down to it, they did awesome!!  Kyndal jerked her hand away from Jace about halfway down the aisle and I tried to catch her attention up at the front and just called her name and fortunately she snapped back into it and grabbed his hand and came the rest of the way!!  Jace gave Chas a high five as he got down to the front.  It was cute!!  :)  heres a few pics...

Next up, is the fourth of July! That evening, we went to Nancys house and she had a cute "photobooth" area set up for us to take pictures in front of.  I love it when she does that!!  Its so cute :) :)  So of course we got lots of pics from there.  Then after we left there, we came home and Jace did fireworks with Josh til the Midwest City fireworks show came on...which of course was super delayed.  The kids stayed up for it and I am pretty sure they loved it! :)  heres more pics...

So the next thing that happened, on July 8th, Grandad accidently hit Babaw with his car.  It was a bad situation. :(  They were going to the cafĂ© and Babaw cant get in on her side of the car, so granddad always backs out for her.  So she motioned him back and I don't really know what happened after that, but Grandad said he backed out and then waited for her and a guy from across the street came to his window and told him "Mister, do you know there is a lady under your car?"  So anyhow, she was bleeding from her head really bad and they called an ambulance to come get her.  They took her to OU Medical and mom and I were on our way as quickly as we could.  We had just dropped off the boys at daycare and so thankfully we were already out and about.  I only have one pic from that day and it is of Jace and Granddad, right after granddad got up to the hospital with us.  I like this one :)
The next day was Josh and I's anniversary!  We kept it really low key, lol!  All we did was go have dinner at Olive Garden and then we drove around and talked for a bit! :)  It was a great 4th anniversary!!  4 going on 40 as my dad said! :) :)  pics...

Josh and I had taken several pics and Jace ran outside and was like "i want to smile for a picture momma" so I took a quick one with him too! :) :)  Hes so cute!!
Lastly, ill update on my crafts, then I will be done! :)  Here is what ive done since I updated last...

Not quite done with this one yet! :)  But figured id put it up anways! :)
OKAY, that is about all from me!  I cant think of anything else big that has happened!  Today we are going swimming with jenni Couser and her boys!  We are all really excited!  This is coming after a long past 2 days of throwing up in my household!!  Sunday morning, Carter threw up in the car on the way to church, then Triston threw up after naptime. Triston threw up all over his mattress and it went all the way thru the mattress.  So we cleaned up the sheets and then took the mattress outside to let it air out in the sun for a bit.  Then after that, Carter threw up again, he didn't make it to the bathroom....didn't even make it off the carpet, so we had MORE cleaning up to do.  THEN for the last time, after dinner, Triston threw up in his room as he was trying to get down the bunkbed stairs, he made it to the carpet and lost it.  So yet again, MORE clean up!  So we gave them bowls to have by their beds just in case they threw up over night.  Fortunately they didn't.  But the next morning, Jace woke up throwing up.  Awesome, right?!  lol!!  So we are all better now and READY TO SWIM!!

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