Friday, June 26, 2015

im baaaaaaack ;)

Well, its been a while since ive updated, hasnt it!?  We have done quite a bit of swimming in the mean time.  However, here are a couple stories from the first few times we went swimming.  I had previously typed this out, but then got sidetracked and never posted a full blog on it.  So here is the beginning of a blog from a while ago.  :) 
----WE WENT SWIMMING!!!!!  lol!!  wahooooo!!! :) :)  I am so happy the sun is finally out! :)  However, Jace got hurt sliding down the slide at Emily's neighborhood pool.  He slid down the slide too quick after the guy in front of him and ended up head butting the guy and scraping his foot on something.  So he got a real bad nose bleed when he came up from the water and so we got out and dried off and left.  Then today, Kyndal almost drowned at Jobugs pool.  Crazy!!!!  I say almost drowned...a little dramatic.  But she fell in the water while the boys were all crowding her off the ledge (accidently of course) but nevertheless, due to all the chaos, I didn't see it.  Triston said "Rachael, Rachael, Rachael...KYNDAL!!!!!!"  then it clicked in my head that I didn't know where she was and I looked and saw her under water.  She had been under for probably ab 7-8 seconds id say...although it happened SO FAST its crazy.  I dove in and got to her as quick as I could and got her above water.  Then got her to the ledge and I sat down and tried to calm down for a second.  Yuck, SCARY!!!  Thank you JESUS for letting Triston see that!!!!!  WOW!!!  it could have been so different. :( :(   anyhow, all that to say, it is pool season, so be SAFE and make sure you always know where the kids are!!!!!  in the blink of an eye things can change.---

Now, back to present day ;) We have gone swimming as often as we can.  I have kept Triston and Carter out of daycare quite a bit to go have fun at the pool.  We have tried to bring friends as often as we can so they will have even more fun (and less arguing) and it seems to work well.  We have taken Davis and his family, Worth and his family, Cason and Clay and Creed,  Anna and the twins, and many more to come thru the summer! :)  Jace is a little fish and Kyndal is watching and learning more every day.  The most recent time we went, she was jumping in all by herself, not even worrying if I was there to catch her.  yikes!!  lol!  Anything her brothers can do, by golly, she can! :)  Heres a few pics...


Another big hit of the summer is water balloons!  They have a new kind that fills about 40 at a time and ties themselves....AWESOMENESS!!  So we have gotten those several times and had lots of fun throwing them at each other!! :)  Heres a few pics of that :)



Now, as for the wreath and chalkboards, I have been pretty busy with orders here lately and im thrilled about it! :) :)  Here are all the ones ive done lately.  #toomanyOUones



That's all! lol!  We also did an amazing table for Chas and Emilys wedding present!  I think it turned out even better than I expected!  Now for pictures of THAT! :)

Jace and Kyndal are gonna be in Emilys wedding tomorrow!!  So they are excited about that one! :)  I have a cute picture of their get-ups! :)  im hoping Kyndal will walk down the aisle!  I can see her seeing so many people there and being like NO WAY!! :(  but it will be good, no matter what happens! :)

Okay, so there are quite a few pictures in this one! :) But that's what happens when you don't blog in forever!!!!  So ya know ;)  But I think I have updated on most of the important things!  I will do my best to update more! :) 


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