Saturday, July 30, 2011


Okay, so this post is going to just be an introduction to our household & let you know part of the reasons for the chaos.

First off, my wonderful husband, Josh! He is a certified alarm technician at Camco! He is also a big part of how i have turned my life around. when i met him i was on a bad path & he helped bring me out of it & realize that i didnt need to settle for everything i was caught up in. he is an amazing father & husband & i love him with my whole heart!

Second, we have little Triston!  He is such a sweetheart!  He is definitely the more calm one out of the two.  He is also the one who will show the most affection.  he is BRILLIANT & has already memorized the first 15 books of the Bible.  he catches on to things so quickly, and can do anything he sets his mind to, whether good or bad.  He is 4 right now & about to start pre-school.  i can't wait to help him with homework & hear about his days at school! :)  

Then we have Carter man, who is 3 right now!!  He is every bit BOY!!  He is as tough as nails.  there have been several times he's fallen or taken a hit that i thought he was gonna be crying about for a while, and then he just pops up like nothin happened!!  He also wants to be just like "bubba" and imitates him often.  it is always so cute.  He gets excited over pretty much anything and ALWAYS wants to be playing outside.  he could play out there forever and never get tired of it.  i can't wait to see him grow bigger & stronger!

But anyways, thats about it!!  I love all 3 boys with all my heart & i can't wait to see if God is gonna send us another boy, or if we are gonna get a little girl to bring a little less craziness to our house.  either way, I can't wait!! :)
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